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CETS - The Start

Updated: Jun 5, 2018

Here we go... Blogging! This is a new world to me but I am excited to be here! I'll start off by talking a little about who we are and how we came to start a first aid company in Cochrane. My name is Chelsea and I have been a Registered Nurse for the last eight years. My partner Alex is an EMT with a background in forestry firefighting, and also has a degree in business. For years we talked about combining our backgrounds and starting up a First Aid Company.

I am a member of the code blue resuscitation teams, first in adults and now pediatrics, and find myself fascinated at the advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation having witnessed firsthand the lifesaving power of high quality CPR. You would be shocked how many patients come through the hospital doors with their background story involving some form of "they were found by so and so who started CPR before the ambulance was on scene." Every time I hear this I can’t help but think that "so and so" is a bloody hero! No pun intended.

Our biggest road block in starting CETS was our shared view that CPR and First Aid training is… well… BORING. I mean that is usually the case! We have both had to take training on a yearly basis to meet our job requirements, and we can both honestly say that not once did we wake up thinking “Oh yay! Today I get to recertify in CPR!”

That is why our mission with this company is to leave people feeling like they've had an enjoyable day, while still learning the essential skills to become a competent First Aider. We have set out to prove that these courses dont need to be dreaded. We are fun people… seriously just ask us =)

Alex and Chelsea

CETS - here to prove that First Aid and CPR training doesn't have to be a bore!

Cochrane Emergency Training Services
#CETS.firstaid #Cochrane



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