Group Pricing Guide:
Mental Health First Aid Basic Training - 16 hours
(2 days in person training)
8 people $200/ person
9-11 people $195/ person
11+ people $180/ person
Mental Health First Aid Blended Training - 11 hours
(3 hours self-directed online learning + 8 hours in person training)
8 people- $190/ person
9-11 people- 185/ person
11-15 people-$170/ person
Mental Health First Aid Virtual Training - 11 hours
(3 hours self-directed online learning + 8 hours virtual training)
8 people- $190/ person
9-11 people- 185/ person
11-15 people-$170/ person

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is offered to someone with an emerging mental health or substance use problem or in crisis, until appropriate treatment is found or the situation resolves. An evidence-based course, MHFA Standard has been proven to give participants:
the tools to recognize signs of decline in mental well-being.
the ability to talk about their mental health.
the knowledge to discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery or improved mental well-being.
the confidence to reach out to these supports.
the tools to assist during a mental health or substance use crisis, and.
the knowledge to use MHFA actions to maintain one’s own mental wellness.